Thought of the week:
Let us ask ourselves these questions:
Why do we wait for an occasion for us to be courteous, to one another?
Why do we wait for a tragedy to occur, for us to be helpful to one another? "
The same spirit we share at Christmas, or, New Year, Valentine,Thanksgiving, let's keep it with us throughout the whole year, our life .... .
Let us share the Love, the Happiness, the Courtesy we shared during any Holiday Season,
every day of our Life. Let us not wait for another Holiday Season, or, a tragedy to share these feelings.
Perhaps, the world would be a better place to live.
The theme for this year: LOVE, PEACE, and RESPECT.
Serge J. Breton.
Notary Public / Member Notary Pro / National Notary Association

Allow me to brief you about the best SPORTS and EDUCATIONAL Caribbean Talk Show in
the Metropolitan area: "Le Journal Sportif."
Le Journal Sportif is the only sports oriented Caribbean Talk Show that targets and focuses on children and emphasizes on the importance
of associating sports and education.
Serge J. Breton
Notary Public
Public TV Host/Sportscaster
Sports play a major role in our society, and in our personal life. From a crawler (after birth),
to a sprinter (athletic adulthood), we all go through this athletic cycle, during our short
Not only are Sports, good for the body, but sports also develop the mind and soul.
It has been proven that children who practice sports are better students than those
who do not. That is why we created our youth soccer program:
"Le Journal Sportif Soccer Academy."
Besides, don't our professional organizations do their recruiting from a college level?
That is one of the reasons why we advise and strongly encourage kids of all ages
(five through one hundred and five years old) (5 thru 105) to practice and play sports and to join 
any youth Sports program.
When athletes compete on an international level, not only is it a privilege to represent
their own country but also it is a golden opportunity to expose their talents and skills to
the whole world.
Our purpose is to encourage, parents, professional athletes, business professionals, to support children in Sports activities and also encourage them to watch Le Journal Sportif, and join any youth Sports program.
How sweet it is to be standing on a pedestal, while receiving a gold medal, and at the same time listening to the National Anthem of your own country being played in your honor!
It is a dream that can become reality for your children and grand children someday.
In HAITI for example, the National sport is Soccer.
What has become of it? Unfortunately not much due to a lack of Community support - lack of Business support and mostly the Political instability
caused by irresponsible individuals.
Therefore the incentive in our children to play or practice sports is completely destroyed by such actions, perhaps, forgetting that CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE".
Haiti has disappeared from International sports competitions since 1974 except perhaps for a few exceptions such as: Judo -Volleyball Tennis athletism.... Although, recently there seems to be an effort to bring Soccer again for the World to see...
Many countries produce Star athletes upon which kids can rely on and look up to.
Brazil produced Pele; Germany produced Gerb Mueller; USA produced Ali, Michael Jordan,
Magic Johnson, Trinidad & Tobago produced Warren Archibald, Latapi etc... But Haiti also
produced Joe Gaetjens, Dadadou, Sylvio Cator, Antoine Tassi, Philip Vorbes, Edner
Breton, Manno Sanon, Tom Pouce, Chaldin Delice, Guy St Vil, etc...
Unfortunately due to a lack of structure in the country, our players are not
as well known around the world as the others, or perhaps, were not given the credit
they deserve.
Our purpose in Le Journal Sportif is to introduce the old athletes to the new generation and
encourage a drug free generation. Our logo explains it better: "
Le Journal Sportif is the Bridge that brings Together, the Old and the New Sports generations".
Every now and then, we have a Star athlete (young or old) in the studio as guest. That is a way to communicate and learn from our sports ancestors by sharing their experience and
listening to their advices. In our studios, we have had the pleasure of having role model guests such as: Carlos Alberto (the 1970 Brazilian national
team captain), Jose Torres (former boxing light heavyweight champion of the world, educator, writer, sports announcer), Professor Julio Mazzei
(associated with Brazilian football and personal advisor of Pele), we also had in our studio, the Soccer King, El Rey Pele himself etc….
Serge J. Breton and "The King" Pele
P.S. By the end of year 2009, we will close the TV program.....
CableVision (Long Island) Thursdays: - Channel 115 - 9:30 PM
(Brooklyn): BCAT
Cablevision: Tuesdays - Channel 68 - 7:00 PM
Time Warner Cable: Tuesdays - Channel 35 - 7:00 PM
Manhattan Neighborhood Network and RCN:
Thursdays - Channel 57 - 8:30 PM
RCN - Thursdays - Channel 84 - 8.30PM
On the Internet:
Remember, sports can develop the mind, body and soul of our children who are our future. 
That is what we teach in our soccer program. Your suggestions, opinions, advices are welcome.
You can do so by either calling us at: 718 527 8956,
Cell: 917 804 2390 or,
by email: or,
write to :
Le Journal Sportif
P.O. Box 130192
Springfield Gardens, NY 11413

Please, let us know what you think of this website. We appreciate your opinion.
Also, please take advantage of special offers/discounts made by various companies
exclusively to "you" Le Journal Sportif Fans, by clicking on their links.
How to support us?
We do not ask for donations ... but, we would appreciate it, if you could use our advertisers on this website.
We insisted that our advertisers give you the best deal possible before agreeing to list them on this website.
Happy Shopping ....
Very Truly Yours,
for Le Journal Sportif
Serge J. Breton
Executive Producer/Coach